Can Someone Else Drive a Car with an Interlock?

Yes, someone else can drive a car with an interlock device installed, but they need to pass the breathalyzer test to start the vehicle. An interlock device is typically fitted in the car of individuals convicted of driving under the influence.

It requires the driver to provide a breath sample to verify their sobriety. If someone else wants to drive the car, they must also pass the breathalyzer test before the vehicle can be started.

can someone else drive a car with an interlock

Temporary License Exemptions for Passengers with Interlock Devices

In certain cases, individuals are required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicle as a condition of having their driver’s license reinstated. This device is designed to prevent the vehicle from starting if the driver has consumed alcohol above a certain limit.

While the installation of an IID is an effective way to ensure road safety, it can sometimes pose challenges for passengers who do not have a restricted license. To address this issue, temporary license exemptions have been introduced to allow passengers to travel in vehicles equipped with interlock devices without facing legal repercussions.

The purpose of temporary license exemptions is to accommodate passengers who depend on others for transportation without compromising road safety. These exemptions grant passengers with a valid driver’s license the ability to travel in vehicles with an IID without triggering any violations.

It is important to note that these exemptions only apply to passengers and do not extend to individuals with a restricted license.

Who is eligible for a temporary license exemption?

The eligibility criteria for a temporary license exemption vary depending on the jurisdiction. In general, passengers who hold a valid driver’s license and do not have any IID restrictions can qualify for the exemption.

However, it is crucial to check with the local Department of Motor Vehicles or equivalent authority to determine the specific requirements and process for obtaining the exemption.

How to apply for a temporary license exemption?

To apply for a temporary license exemption, passengers must typically submit a request to the relevant authority along with supporting documents.

These documents may include a copy of their valid driver’s license, proof of relationship to the vehicle owner, and any additional forms or information required by the jurisdiction. The exact application process and required documents may vary, so it is advisable to consult the local authority for specific guidance.

Duration and limitations of temporary license exemptions

Temporary license exemptions are typically granted for a specific duration, which may vary depending on the jurisdiction. The exemption allows passengers to travel in vehicles equipped with an IID without violating any driving restrictions. However, it is important to abide by all other traffic laws and regulations during the duration of the exemption.

It is worth noting that temporary license exemptions are not meant to encourage or enable individuals with restricted licenses to operate a vehicle equipped with an IID. These exemptions are solely intended to facilitate transportation for passengers who do not have any restrictions on their driver’s license.

Can Someone Else Drive a Car with an Interlock

Extending Interlock Device Usage to Authorized Drivers

One of the key components in preventing drunk driving incidents is the use of ignition interlock devices. These devices require the driver to pass a breathalyzer test before starting their vehicle, ensuring that they are not under the influence of alcohol.

While interlock devices are typically used as a requirement for individuals with a DUI conviction, there is a growing need to extend their usage to authorized drivers.

Authorized drivers can include parents, caregivers, or other individuals who may need to operate a vehicle on behalf of someone with a restricted license due to a DUI conviction. By allowing these authorized drivers to use interlock devices, we can further enhance the safety measures in place and reduce the risk of impaired driving incidents.

Benefits of Extending Interlock Device Usage

1. Enhanced Safety: By extending the usage of interlock devices to authorized drivers, we can ensure that only sober individuals are operating the vehicle. This significantly reduces the risk of accidents caused by impaired driving.

2. Compliance with Licensing Restrictions: Many individuals with restricted licenses due to DUI convictions rely on others to drive them to work, school, or medical appointments. Allowing authorized drivers to use interlock devices ensures compliance with licensing restrictions while still providing necessary transportation.

3. Safer Roadways: The presence of interlock devices not only increases the personal safety of the driver and passengers but also contributes to the overall safety of other road users. By minimizing the possibility of impaired driving incidents, we create safer roadways for everyone.

Implementing Interlock Device Usage for Authorized Drivers

1. Legal Considerations: In order to extend the usage of interlock devices to authorized drivers, it is crucial to review and update existing legislation. This may involve working with lawmakers to amend current laws or create new ones specifically addressing the use of interlock devices by authorized drivers.

2. Device Installation and Training: Authorized drivers would need to undergo proper training on how to use the interlock device. Additionally, a system would need to be in place to ensure the authorized driver’s identity is verified before starting the vehicle.

3. Monitoring and Reporting: To ensure compliance and effectiveness, a monitoring system should be established to track the usage of interlock devices by authorized drivers. Regular reporting and data analysis can help identify any potential issues or areas for improvement.

In summary, extending the usage of interlock devices to authorized drivers has numerous benefits and can significantly contribute to reducing impaired driving incidents.

By implementing the necessary legal considerations and establishing proper device installation, training, and monitoring systems, we can ensure the safety of both the authorized drivers and other road users. It is essential to prioritize road safety and continually explore ways to improve and expand upon existing measures.

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Legal Requirements for Secondary Drivers with Interlock Devices

Interlock devices, also known as ignition interlock devices (IID), are breathalyzer devices installed in vehicles to prevent the driver from operating the vehicle if they have consumed alcohol. These devices help to ensure the safety of both the driver and other road users by requiring the driver to provide a breath sample before starting the vehicle.

In many jurisdictions, the use of interlock devices is mandated for individuals convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses. While the primary driver who was convicted of the offense is typically required to use the interlock device, there may be scenarios where secondary drivers need to operate the vehicle as well.

1. Obtaining an Interlock Device

In order to legally operate a vehicle equipped with an interlock device, secondary drivers must comply with the legal requirements set forth by their jurisdiction. This usually involves obtaining a restricted driver’s license or a specific authorization to operate the vehicle.

The process for obtaining an interlock device and the necessary authorizations may vary depending on the jurisdiction. It is important for secondary drivers to familiarize themselves with the specific requirements in their area.

2. Training and Compliance

Secondary drivers who are authorized to operate a vehicle equipped with an interlock device may be required to undergo training on how to properly use the device. This training ensures that the driver understands how to provide a breath sample and what actions to take if the device registers alcohol in their breath.

Compliance with the interlock device program is essential for secondary drivers. This includes any scheduled maintenance and calibration appointments as well as regular device checks and monitoring. Failure to comply with the program requirements may result in penalties or the restriction of driving privileges.

3. Reporting Violations

If a secondary driver with an authorized interlock device use notices any violations or malfunctions with the device, it is important to report them promptly. This could include issues such as false positives, device errors, or any other concerns that may impact the accuracy or functionality of the interlock device.

Reporting violations and malfunctions promptly helps to ensure that the interlock device program operates effectively and that any necessary adjustments or repairs can be made in a timely manner.

4. Responsibility and Liability

Secondary drivers who are authorized to operate a vehicle with an interlock device must understand their responsibilities and liabilities. It is important to comply with all the applicable laws and regulations regarding the use of the device.

Additionally, secondary drivers should be aware that any violations or tampering with the interlock device can have severe consequences, both legally and in terms of the overall program.

Engaging in behaviors such as attempting to circumvent the device or providing false breath samples can result in penalties and may even lead to the revocation of driving privileges.

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Ensuring Safety with Interlock Device Shared Usage

In today’s world, ensuring safety on the roads is of utmost importance. One effective way to promote safe driving is through the use of interlock devices. These devices are commonly used to prevent individuals under the influence of alcohol from operating a vehicle.

However, there may be instances where multiple individuals share a vehicle equipped with an interlock device. In this section, we will explore the challenges and solutions for ensuring safety when interlock devices are used by multiple users.

1. User Identification

A key challenge when multiple users share a vehicle with an interlock device is identifying the specific user. Interlock devices are designed to require breath samples from the driver to detect alcohol levels.

To address this challenge, advanced interlock devices are equipped with user identification features. These devices may utilize technology such as biometric fingerprint scanners or personal identification numbers (PINs) to verify the identity of the user.

By implementing user identification features, it becomes easier to track and monitor each individual’s usage of the interlock device. This ensures that only authorized users are able to start the vehicle, reducing the risk of unauthorized individuals operating the vehicle while under the influence.

2. User Accountability

Another important aspect of ensuring safety with shared usage of interlock devices is user accountability. It is crucial to have a system in place that holds each user responsible for their actions while operating the vehicle. This can be achieved through the implementation of user profiles within the interlock device system.

Each user can have their own unique profile, which stores data such as breath test results and any violations. By maintaining individual user profiles, it becomes easier to identify any patterns of risky behavior or non-compliance. This allows for appropriate intervention and support to be provided to users who may be struggling with alcohol-related issues.

3. Regular Calibration and Maintenance

Regular calibration and maintenance of interlock devices are essential for their proper functioning. When multiple individuals share a vehicle with an interlock device, it becomes crucial to ensure that each user follows the maintenance schedule recommended by the device manufacturer.

Regular calibration of the device helps to maintain accurate results and minimize false positives or negatives. It is important for all users to be aware of the calibration schedule and to promptly report any issues or malfunctions to the device provider. This ensures that the interlock device remains reliable and effective in preventing impaired driving.

4. Communication and Education

Effective communication and education play a vital role in ensuring safety with shared usage of interlock devices. All users should be well-informed about the purpose and functionality of the device. They should also be educated about the potential consequences of tampering with or manipulating the interlock device.

Regular communication channels should be established between the users, the device provider, and any relevant authorities. This allows for efficient reporting of any problems or concerns and facilitates the timely resolution of issues. Additionally, educational programs and resources can be provided to users to promote responsible and safe driving practices.

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Exceptions for Emergency Situations and Interlock Device Usage

In certain emergency situations, there may be exceptions to using an interlock device. These exceptions are meant to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals involved in emergency situations while still enforcing the requirements of interlock device usage.

1. Medical emergencies:

In the case of a medical emergency, where the driver or a passenger requires immediate medical attention, it may not be feasible or safe to use the interlock device. In such situations, the driver should prioritize seeking medical help and ensure the well-being of themselves and others involved.

2. Vehicle breakdowns:

If a driver experiences a sudden breakdown or mechanical failure of the vehicle that makes it impossible to use the interlock device, they should take necessary actions to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users. This may involve contacting emergency roadside assistance or law enforcement for help.

3. Interlock device malfunctions:

In rare cases, interlock devices may malfunction, preventing the driver from starting their vehicle.

If the driver suspects a malfunctioning device, they should contact the service provider or the relevant authorities immediately and follow their instructions for resolving the issue. It is crucial to address any device malfunctions promptly to avoid any legal complications.

4. Unavoidable ignition interlock device removal:

In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to remove the interlock device temporarily. These situations may include authorized vehicle maintenance or repairs that require the device to be disconnected.

However, it is essential to inform the appropriate authorities and service provider about the temporary removal and ensure compliance with all necessary guidelines and regulations.

5. Testing failures due to non-alcohol-related substances:

Interlock devices primarily detect alcohol consumption and are not designed to detect non-alcohol-related substances that may cause false positive results.

If a driver experiences repeated testing failures due to the presence of non-alcohol substances, they should consult their service provider or seek legal advice to resolve the issue and ensure their compliance with interlock device requirements.


Can someone else drive a car with an interlock?

Yes, someone else can drive a car with an interlock device installed. However, they must also provide a breath sample and pass the test in order to start the vehicle. The interlock device is designed to prevent the vehicle from being operated by someone who has consumed alcohol.

Do all states require interlock devices for DUI offenses?

No, not all states require interlock devices for DUI offenses. The laws regarding interlock devices vary by state. Some states require them for all DUI offenses, while others may only mandate them for repeat offenders or those with high blood alcohol concentrations.

How do interlock devices work?

Interlock devices work by measuring the alcohol content in the breath of the driver. The driver must provide a breath sample by blowing into the device, and if the alcohol concentration exceeds the predetermined limit, the vehicle will not start.

Additionally, the device may require periodic breath samples while the vehicle is in operation to ensure the driver remains sober.


In conclusion, allowing someone else to drive a car with an interlock device installed is a complex issue. While some jurisdictions may establish regulations permitting it under certain conditions, other areas strictly prohibit it. The purpose of an interlock device is to prevent impaired driving and protect public safety.

Allowing someone else to drive with an interlock could potentially compromise the effectiveness of the device and undermine its purpose. It is crucial to adhere to the laws and guidelines set forth by the relevant authorities to ensure the proper functioning of the interlock device and promote responsible driving habits.

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