Story Behind Car Sumu
The website was planned a long ago in 2012 when the Editor in Chief, Clarence J. Harmon, asked his friend to recommend a set of car speakers with good bass. As expected, the friend didn’t know much about this and couldn’t recommend a good one.
So, he thought of an easily accessible info bank that anyone can use without paying a dime for it. After almost a decade, he started the Car Sumu to reach his goal of giving authentic information that does not cost a penny.
Who We Are?
Started by Clarence, Car Sumu is now a family of 6 writers, 3 automotive product experts, a creative graphic designer, and some part-time research assistants.
Our Editorial Leads
Clarence J. Harmon was a successful industrial designer who worked to make automobile designs user-friendly. He is now a full-time editor in Car Sumu, and his work has been featured on many international news outlets such as the BBC World Service and the Guardian.
He enjoys spending time with his wife of 25 years and their two sons. They enjoy camping, fishing, hiking, and boating together in their spare time.
Alina Arham is the lead product expert at Car Sumu. She has owned many cars in her lifetime, and loves to shop for new products. Alina’s experience with shopping has given her the expertise to pick out the perfect car for any customer!
When not doing research on cars or shopping for them, Alina spends time with her family and volunteering at the local animal shelter.
Max is a car enthusiast who has been modifying, repairing, and racing cars since he was 16. He loves to work on his own car as well as others. Max has a passion for all things automotive related which is why he became the lead writer at Car Sumu.
What We Do?
We answer specific questions that a car owner asks. To answer those questions, we cover from silly questions to the most technical ones. However, we avoid highly technical questions deliberately because of the limitations of our illustrations. We are planning to start making videos on technical queries that require visual illustration.
Our Mission
We have built this website to help people find answers to their automotive related queries in one place. We are working round the clock to make this website a great info bank for you where you can find answers to any question.
Work With Us
Build your career online writing on a topic that you love the most. Join our team of friendly writers, programmers, research analysts, creative designers and be a part of the change we are up to.
Written with Love by:
Lew Eliakim,
Writer, CarSumu.Com